Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The "Why I Love My Boyfriend" Files.

I thought I'd start a series of posts on this particular subject. Firstly, because it will generate numerous posts which this blog so desperately needs (given, of course, that time permits and motivation prevails over laziness). And second, because I hope to share some insights on genuine love as my man and I discover it over the course of our relationship. With a decent mind and lots of prayers, the goal, of course, is to perfect love. I hope to bring up characteristics, qualities, and actions I've experienced and observed that are objectively valuable, although I suspect that occasionally, I might give a shout out to things I appreciate as a matter of personal preference. But that would be more the exception, rather than the rule. If there's one thing that my beloved and I have in common, it's that we are much more concerned about the pursuit of truth than anything. And in matters of love and romance, I suspect that most broken relationships can be saved if only both parties understood what love really, truly, objectively is. And my friends, it has very little to do with our subjective little preferences.

So let me start this series with one of the best things about my boyfriend. He is one of the few people that I know that has the right idea about love. A great example is the fact that he understands that to love truly, sometimes we must love in spite of our feelings. That sometimes, we must push past the negative emotions and resolve to hear out the loved one that had offended us. My boyfriend does this well, and whenever he does, he chooses to love me even when he's mad at me. It is one thing to understand that true love demands loving in spite of our emotions. It is another to practise it. And my man does both. I pray that he always be granted the grace to do so, and I ask for the same grace to return the favor.

What has amazed you about your man lately?

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Just a thought...

Spooning couple 1908

I've always loved the way God created me, i.e. as a female. As all women should. But my man makes me love being a woman even more.

Thinking about it, I suspect that if you do not feel this way, you're probably with the wrong guy. What do you think?

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Real Men Want to Have Children

Deutsche Fotothek‎ [CC-BY-SA-3.0-de (], via Wikimedia Commons
#1 Because he must love his wife as God loves. Therefore, he must know and believe that true love bears fruit, and that he cannot deny the natural end of consummated love without denying love itself. And so, as creation is God's act of love, so must pro-creation be a man's act of godly love.

#2 Because he must image God. The Sacrament of Matrimony reflects Christ's love for His bride, the Church (Ephesians 5:21-33). The man images God, the woman images what will be the pure and perfect Church for whom our Lord gives His own life. So not only must man do the ultimate sacrifice of self for his wife when necessary, he must also reflect the life-giving nature of the Divine, who pours Himself out completely to His beloved Church, who creates souls into existence out of pure, sheer love. The man must take pride in this gift - in the fact that he is bestowed this great dignity to participate in the Lord's creation of souls, in loving persons into existence.

It's a Theology of the Body thing.